FLIR, 可更换外部水分针式探头, 适用于MR77水分测定仪

  • RS 库存编号 906-3902
  • 制造商零件编号 MR02
  • 制造商 FLIR
COO (Country of Origin): CN

FLIR MR160 成像水分计附件

与FLIR MR160成像湿度测量仪配套使用的附件包括:替换针探头MR02(906-3902);保护盒MR10(906-3915)。

FLIR Anemometer, Air Velocity, Vane Anemometer Probe - MR02

This anemometer by FLIR is designed to accurately measure air velocity using a vane anemometer probe. It is an essential tool for HVAC/R professionals working on duct systems, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. The FLIR anemometer provides reliable data consistently, making it a valuable addition to any toolkit.

Features & Benefits

• Measures air velocity with a vane anemometer probe
• Calculates duct airflow (CFM/CMM) using air velocity and duct geometry
• Provides wet bulb and dew point calculations in addition to air temperature and relative humidity measurements
• Includes a contact temperature probe for checking electric motors and thermal equipment components
• Offers MIN-MAX-AVG recording function for fluctuating parameters


• Ideal for inspecting and troubleshooting duct systems in residential, commercial, and industrial facilities
• Suitable for verifying duct inlets and outlets have the specified volumetric flow
• Useful for checking electric motors and thermal equipment components for proper operating temperatures

Can this anemometer measure air velocity accurately?

Yes, the FLIR anemometer uses a vane anemometer probe to provide precise air velocity measurements.

Will it help in calculating duct airflow in different applications?

The anemometer can calculate duct airflow, making it valuable for a wide range of systems.

Is this anemometer suitable for checking electric motors?

Yes, the included contact temperature probe allows for checking electric motors and thermal equipment components.

Can this anemometer provide wet bulb and dew point calculations?

In addition to measuring air temperature and relative humidity, the anemometer offers wet bulb and dew point calculations.

How durable is the FLIR anemometer?

The FLIR anemometer is rugged and reliable, ensuring years of trouble-free operation.

属性 数值
配件类型 可更换外部水分针式探头
适用于 MR77 水分计
单价(不含税) 个
RMB 270.48
RMB 305.64
Per unit
1 +